Monday, February 18, 2013

Something for Nothing

I checked my dashboard in Smashwords the other day to see how all my short stories are doing there and was surprised to see about forty downloads for my latest story. Since I only released it at the beginning of February, that's pretty good.

Then I checked the stats on my other stories they are all showing activity. I assume that's because most of them are free now. But I also assume people who take the risk of reading one story, like what they see and are coming back for more.

Another factor may be that the number of offerings keeps growing. This shows I'm not a one-hit wonder. That's something that I look for and I'm sure that's something that other readers look for too.

Of course, the activity here could be better and the number could be higher. But it's a start. I expect at I release more stories, the number will continue to improve. And all of this is part of my plan make something happen ahead of my novel's release. My thought is that if people like my short stories, they will be more likely to buy my novel. Not sure if that will work but it's worth trying.

So for the next several months I'll be releasing one story at a time. I'm hoping to be able to keep that going even after the novel is out, but what happens after that is a little fuzzy just now. I'll have to figure that out as I go.

Keep writing everyone.

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