Monday, March 28, 2011

Blogging from my Smartphone

As an experiment, I thought I'd try to write and post an entry from my smartphone. Personally I don't think this is good idea, but I constantly look for new workflows. By doing so I learn what works for me and what does not. Slowly over time, this leads to changes and improvements.

For example, but experimenting with different authoring tools I found could write novels with Scrivener and export any format I require including Word, PDF, ePub, Kindle, and HTML. This makes for a very efficient process since I can author once and reuse/convert the text as needed without major effort. 

Blogging is a little different, at least for me. I don't need to repurpose the entries although I do repost them on Twitter, Facebook, and Goggle Buzz. I've posted a few on GoodReads, Delicious, and Digg. But some reposed are automated and some are simple copy and pastes. I've not given any thought to how I compose my blog posts in the first place. 

Up till now I've been typing them from a desktop or laptop keyboard. Sometimes I write them in advance and sometimes I don't, depending on whether I get an idea for post or I just improvise. But this post is being cobbled together from my smartphone using an app called blogwriter. The app is a good one but I miss the full keyboard and the use of all fingers typing as I wordsmith. I also don't know how well Blogger handle this text until I send it.

So if it turns out that integrating this post is really hard I won't be repeating this experiment. On the other hand, if the post comes without too many problems, I may decide to look for another to type the text into the phone or buy a tablet because my thumbs hurt from typing all this text.

Welcome to the 21st century I guess.

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